Hi, it’s me, Adriana. This is an old picture, today I look a little different, but in essence I’m the same. I was born in Tampico, Mexico in April of 1982, a city not that far away from the ocean and surrounded by a lot of lakes, lagoons and rivers. After finishing school I lived in Quebec for two years and after that I decided to study languages, to be exact, translation, but a turmoil in life changed the direction of the road and I turned center to  a beautiful town called San Miguel de Allende, famous for its art, crafts, folklore and traditions… I was running away, and I found my self crashing by accident against art. This accident turned out to be an opportunity. Long story short, I attended the art school and I learned to draw, to paint, to weave and to design and by the end of my career I understood that art was a great tool to self-knowledge. Art like we like to call it, is for me the connection between the hands, the memory and the intuition, together with the message that one wants to transmit.  But in reality art can be as many things as the human intellect and imagination can grasp. I now live in Berlin. This project is the consequence of the 20 years that I have been understanding what is to be an artist.


What is your story with art?

How do you relate to art? Do you have a special story, perhaps something you would like to share? Why do you like art? What is art for you? Describe art out from the bottom of your… Imagination!

12 + 9 =